Friday, August 23, 2013

Lucky Charms

Shopping here is quite the feat.
I shop at Smith's for milk and some produce.
I shop at Davis Jubilee for yogurt, eggs, bread, and some produce.
But I will never buy eggs or milk at Walmart.
Everything else I will.
Prices are high here compared to Idaho and other places in Utah.
So to make ends meet, we shop sells and then buy items where they are cheapest.
Thankfully the drive time for shopping is only about 10 minutes.
Daddy-O is great to help me with the shopping.

Our school carnival was very fun tonight.
It rained, so instead of staying outside, they moved the carnival games inside.

When we came home dinner included . . .
Lucky Charms!!!
The kids were thrilled with cereal for dinner, but first they had to eat 5 vegetables from the veggie tray.

Happy Days!

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