Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Day of School 2013

Joyanne's first day of Middle School.
6th Grade 
She was so excited and talked nonstop about how great school was and all her 6 classes.
Our little girl is growing up!

Look at these handsome boys.
Noah in back is in 4th Grade.
Hiram on the left is in 3rd.
Jaden is in 1st grade and goes all day to school now. 
The boys enjoyed their first day of school.
Jaden was "shy" when talking about his first day.
Noah likes his teacher and got right to work on his one sheet of homework.
Hiram likes his teacher and what he's doing in school.

This afternoon we said "goodbye" to family. 
We had so much fun with them and probably wore them out with hiking each day they were here. 
But we made lots of memories.
Thanks for coming!

Now we are ready to slumber after a fun-filled weekend with family and our first day of school.


  1. You say that, Jaden, is in 1st grade. I REALLY hope that Jaden will NOT, will NOT, will NOT do what I did, when I was in 1st grade. When I was in 1st grade, I peed in my pants, AT LEAST, AT LEAST, AT LEAST 4 times, in school, in class, during the whole school year. In fact, when I was a child, 5 - 12 years old, I peed in my pants, AT LEAST, AT LEAST, AT LEAST 100 times. I REALLY hope that NONE of YOUR kids has done that, AND I hope that NONE of YOUR kids will do that, and I hope that Jaden will NOT do what I did, when I was in 1st grade.

    1. I hope Jaden does not pee his pants either. I also peed my pants in 1st grade when my teacher said, "No more kids better ask me to use the bathroom!" Well, I really had to go and couldn't wait for recess so as I sat in my chair, all of a sudden it got warm and wet. My mom wasn't home either so I had to wear a kindergarten teacher's pair of bright blue pants. How embarrassing!!!
