Thursday, August 15, 2013

Little, big City

I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
When mama ain't happy, no one's happy.
I grumped a lot today, not sure why.
BUT when I was finally able to accomplish something this evening and do something productive . . .
Boy, oh, boy my day improved.
I really enjoyed making spaghetti for a neighbor who recently had a baby.
Service always brings happiness to the heart. :)

We still live kind of rurally and we like it.
Joyanne, Noah, and Hiram found some friendly cows on their bike ride.

We have some sheep and lambs just down the street a bit.
So it's nice to live in farmland still.
I'm not a big city girl.
I like to live close to a big city, but definitely not in it.

We shopped for school supplies this afternoon.
I think we did pretty good this year, except I know I haven't even gotten half of Joyanne's school supplies for Middle School.
Another $93 was spent on 7 pairs of shoes.
Joyanne, being the girl, needed (haha) 3 pairs of shoes, while the other boys just got one.

Daddy-O stayed down most of the day with his sprained ankle.
The swelling's gone down a bit.
We're really hoping he can work tomorrow in not too much pain.

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