Monday, February 25, 2013

Appreciate being Healthy

I appreciate the days when I am healthy and well AND when my kids are healthy and well.  James is on the couch fevering and coughing.  I also have a throat that feels like it's on fire.  Salt water just isn't cutting it.

"To the doctor we will go, the doctor we will go, hi-ho the dairy-o, to the doctor we will go!"

I figure I can give in to the frustrating moments that seem to be creeping all around or I can "Smile through every Trial" and remember that "This too shall pass!"  Also I know that "I can do hard things."  With prayer and knowing Heavenly Father is there for me is all helping me make it and stay cheery.  I admire Job from the Bible and how patient he was in his afflictions.  I know the Savior also bore so much pain in patience.  So I will keep going and endure to the end!

Jaden has continued love reading "The Magic Treehouse" Books and this month has read 690 minutes so far.  What a reader!

With James and I not feeling well, Grant is improving.  He rarely coughs and his nose isn't a constant faucet anymore.  He has been doing pretty well trying to entertain himself.  He is constantly sticking his tongue out and drooling like a mad man because he is teething.  His bottom row finally has some bumps so teeth must be coming in soon.

Our thoughts are with Daddy and hoping he does well and passes his 3 tests tomorrow!

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