Monday, July 1, 2013

Treasures and love

You can have your cake and eat it too!
Daddy's here enjoying his delicious cake.  Yum!

Visiting with my mom today was a treasure.
I love her so much.
When I'm with her, I feel like I'm with an angel.
I feel like heaven is near when we are together.
I love my mom.

Joyanne and I had tummy aches today.
No fun.
Thankfully we didn't have any yucky stuff come up or out our bodies. Hehe!

I miss Noah.
My little sport has decided he wanted to hang out at his aunt and cousin for a week or more with only 3 pairs of clothes.
Thanks Jamie for watching Noah and thanks cousin Billy for playing with him.
I think this will be good for him, but I miss him.


  1. Nancy, My heart goes out to you! The heat is very hard on a woman's nerves. Ask your doctor about
    Citalopram. It has made a major difference in my nerves and depression about the cancer, etc and all the changes. Its mild, no side effects, and has made a major difference! Going into knee surgery with both knees at once is another major hurdle. Being in the nursing home will be a big adjustment. I need your address again as I forgot it. Will you text it to me? I love you!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. My dad had knee surgery on both his knees about 2 years ago. The surgery didn't go well so he had to have the surgery again! Painful and not fun. I hope your surgery goes better than my dad's. I sent you my address thru facebook. We miss you!
