Wednesday, July 10, 2013


 James had fun helping Daddy make breakfast this morning.

Here is how I discipline my kids.
I got this idea from my sister-in-law, Susan.
We have used this method for over a year now and found it to be quite effective.
Our kids start out on a level 3 (Celestial Level), which is the best level with all priviledges plus extra special priviledges.
Level 2 (Terrestial Level) are regular priviledges like being able to play electronics, desserts, playing with friends, watching t.v. or movies, etc.
Level 1 (Telestial Level) are just the bare necessities; love, food, clothes, medical help, etc. 
For bad behavior they get strikes; like talking back, not getting chores or responsibilities done, etc.
If they hit anyone or have violent behavior, they immediately go to a level one.
They have to stay on a level one for 3 days with no strikes or at least erasing strikes by the end of the day.
They erase strikes by earning brownie points.
3 brownie points erase a strike.
Brownie points are earned through doing chores.
They stay on level 2 for 2 days.
And when they stay on level 3 all week, they get extra special priviledges like a night out with Mom and Dad, or a Slurpee, or extra treats.
It seems to work well and I get a lot less frustrated and let the board do the consequences.

Pretzel for bed was yuuuuuuummmmmmy!

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