Friday, July 5, 2013


Around 9pm, last night, at the park, everyone started lighting off their bought fireworks. 
You could look around on all sides and there were little fireworks going off everywhere.
Grant was especially fascinated with all the fireworks.

 I had fun taking pictures of a lot of the fireworks per Joyanne's request.
"X" marks the spot.

Grant and James sure love their trikes. 

Here Grant is saying "Cheese!"

Prince Charming and I lit up our own fireworks on a date tonight.
No, not those kind of fireworks, silly!
We just went to "Cafe Rio" in the middle of his shift for dinner.
We haven't had a date for a while, and I love to go out to eat.


  1. Cracks me up how alike we are - I LOVE going out to eat, too!!

    1. What's your favorite place to eat out? I love Olive Garden, Cafe Rio, or really anywhere. Just getting out and letting someone else do the cooking and clean up is good for me. :)

  2. Two of my favorites!! : ) ...but yes, leaving the cooking and cleaning is the best part.
