Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Pioneer Day!

I'm so grateful for my pioneer ancestors.
My mom shared a story with me about my one pioneer, my 3rd great-grandmother, Sarah Robinson.
Eventually Sarah married Edwin Rushton – bodyguard to Joseph Smith.

She was 20 when she crossed the plains and walked. She was a small, short woman. She wasn’t married when she crossed the plains. Her job was to help with the children. The carts would move slowly and the kids would get excited and want to go off. So she would take them ahead of the carts and play games and things.

One day they went ahead and came to a fork in the trail.  They didn’t know which one to take and finally decided and took one of them. As it started to get towards evening they stopped to wait for the other carts to catch up to them. They waited and waited, but no one came.  They were left alone and were lost.
Sarah and the children knelt down and prayed that they would be found and that they would be safe. She sat down and spread out her skirts and the children sat down on them. She sat there all night long, hearing the howling wolves.
Just as the sun was coming up in the morning, some men on horseback came and took them back to the other pioneers.  Heavenly Father answered their prayers.

We enjoyed the parade.
It wasn't as grand as Salt Lake City's parade, but it was short and sweet.

The kids wanted to go to McDonald's for lunch.
Daddy and I said, "Ugh! Not there."
We discussed how much it would cost and said they could pay for it themselves if they wanted.
When they realized how much it would cost, they thought it would be better to go buy the same ingredients at the store and make our McDonald's lunch homemade.
It was SO much better.
Daddy made hamburgers from scratch, with raw meat mixed with egg, onions, and seasonings.
We bought frozen fries and cooked them up.
The burgers tasted so much more delicious than ANY restaurant.
Last night we attended a free concert by "Thirsty Soul".
The kids and I had fun and were entertained for 2 full hours.

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