Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What Really Matters

I have spent some time, lately, pondering on how I spend my time.
What really matters?
"Me-time" has become a priority in the many things I do.
I have spent a half hour a day on music practice, an hour or so of exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 20 minutes of daily reading time, Facebook time, Happify time, blogging time and e-mailing as well.
It averages out to about 3 hours of "Me-time" every day!
I miss the days of sitting with my kids and just enjoying some good books with them.
I miss teaching my little ones how to do puzzles or play simple games, like "Memory" and "Go Fish".
I miss the simple walks we would take outdoors to get fresh air.
I miss jumping on the trampoline with my kids and playing with the dog.
I got so wrapped up in needing "Me-time" that I forgot about how fun it is to do things with my family.
My computer time, reading time, and even exercise became my getaway from it all.
I claimed it as my "me-time".
My excuse being that I just need a break.
I mean, I do have 6 kids, right?
I deserve this, right?
But after all these years of Facebook, entertaining books and exercising at the gym, I realize that it all really can be a time-waster.
My kids need me!
They are growing up so fast, and I know if I don't enjoy time with them now, I will have missed out!
I still plan to take breaks and do things for myself, but I plan to put more of my "me-time" into family time.
I love them and want to be with them for eternity!
I can't expect it to just happen; I have to make it happen; and with God's help I can have a forever family.

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