Thursday, February 27, 2014

Frustration and Tiredness

Frustration and tiredness go hand in hand.
I woke up at 5:00a.m. this morning and couldn't fall back asleep.
I tried to upload pictures to my blog and it was a "no go."
After 3 failed attempts with Daddy's help to fix the computer, I gave up.
One of these days I'll upload some pictures.
Can you tell I'm just a "wee" bit tired? ;)
So I've had to work closely with Hiram to make sure he accomplishes his responsibilities honestly.
The homework part we have down fairly well.
He does it right after school like always.
Getting his 20 minutes of reading time can be a chore if he doesn't have a book that interests him, which happens fairly often.
Piano practicing, oh, piano!
So I've had to sit with him while he practices to make sure he does it accurately and well.
He has to practice each piece 3 times, 2 times counting and 1 time words.
Tonight we made some headway.
And now for some relaxing time with "Leave It To Beaver," my new show I've taken a fancy too.

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