Monday, July 22, 2024

Yummy, Funny Times

Leatherby's Delight

I took my nephew, Jacob, out to ice cream at Leatherby's last Tuesday.
Boy, oh boy, was there a lot of yummy ice cream.
Jacob talked a lot and I learned a lot about him.
This was the first time I had seen him since he was a baby.
I love family and was happy to be with him.

On Monday, of last week, Grandpa and I went visiting Joyanne, and hiked up to Bridal Veil Falls.
We walked for about 2 miles and talked and talked.
How I love having a daughter and am grateful for the time we had to chat, especially about Beacham. 😉

Grandpa and I went on several walks last week while we visited Utah.
We walked along the Jordan River Walkway.

One of the nights, last week, while in Utah, we called and talked to James and Jaden.
James had fun putting funny faces on Jaden.
Here's the cool kid in many different faces.

Go Iron Man!

Aw, he looks to good to be a devil.

Dolla Bills coming right at ya!

Oooooh, scary!

So cute! 😂

What a big head!

Go Mario, Jaden!

Look at that beard!!!

And, a happy moment seeing my sister enjoy time with family, including Grant.


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