Sunday, July 28, 2024

Seeing Things from a Deaf Perspective.

I went with my deaf friend, Sonia, to watch "Jesus", a movie in complete ASL.
It was amazing to see.


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wedding Delight!

My sister and her husband in the corner, with their 2nd oldest son and his bride.
Happy Wedding Day!!!

My beautiful mother 💖

Here comes the happy couple, surrounded with bubbles.
What fun!

All the lovely bridesmaids.

My sister in all her loveliness.

What love! 💙

My mom with her granddaughter-in-law.

The handsome groom and groomsmen. 😃

The bridesmaids and groomsmen with the happy couple.

We ate at the India Palace afterwards.
The food was spicy and yummy!

Daddy playing "Tickle Spider" with his great nephew and niece.
Daddy is sure the life of the party!

These 3 kiddos couldn't get enough of their great uncle and his "Tickle Spider." 😉😆

We had a family reunion today and I am posting pictures my sister took.
But there is one picture my mom gave me of my sister, Ann, with her 2 children, Jacob and Katherine from about 23 years ago.
Jacob came to the reunion and everyone was delighted to meet and talk to him.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Extended Family Time

We started out the day driving to Utah to be with family.
My niece, Maren, and my nephew, Samuel, went to receive their endowments at the temple.
It was a special occasion.

We went to Olive Garden afterwards for dinner.

Family fun time while we wait.

Samuel got creative with the menus and built a tower that even the waitresses were impressed with.
One of the managers came and took a picture, saying no one had ever done that before.

The day was good.
Now time to find a corner at the overcrowded David and Susan's house to go to sleep.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Pioneer Day

Happy 24th of July!
Not many people celebrate this day, but members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do.
What a wonderful day when the Saints entered the Salt Lake Valley and found peace to live their religion away from the mobs who had sought to destroy them.
I'm grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know Jesus Christ is my Savior!
I am grateful for the pioneers who sacrificed their lives to give us a better one.
They had faith in every footstep.
Happy Pioneer Day!

James, pretending to eat the grasshopper on the window.

We went out to lunch at the Red Rabbit Grill and enjoyed some tasty food.

Here's my meal of a Chicken Avocado bacon wrap and fries.

Grandpa sure loves his Bleu Bison Burger and Fries with a diet Pepsi.
He exercises a lot so he can enjoy eating this.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wedding and Fish Fun - July 13th & 11th

My brother, John, and Tori were married on July 13th.
The ceremony was beautiful.
They make such a cute couple that are so in love with each other.
They made beautiful vows and nice speeches to each other.
They even danced together.
It was wonderful to be with family and friends.
We went to the Beehive Bank Annual Picnic.
Grandpa was hoping to see some old friends from Sugar City, but instead he saw our next door neighbors.
Jeni was there, and Jaden came, too.
The fish scramble is always a favorite every year.
The kids dive in the water trying to grab real live trout that are swimming in the water.
Grant was able to catch one fish.
Way to go, Grant!!!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Yummy, Funny Times

Leatherby's Delight

I took my nephew, Jacob, out to ice cream at Leatherby's last Tuesday.
Boy, oh boy, was there a lot of yummy ice cream.
Jacob talked a lot and I learned a lot about him.
This was the first time I had seen him since he was a baby.
I love family and was happy to be with him.

On Monday, of last week, Grandpa and I went visiting Joyanne, and hiked up to Bridal Veil Falls.
We walked for about 2 miles and talked and talked.
How I love having a daughter and am grateful for the time we had to chat, especially about Beacham. 😉

Grandpa and I went on several walks last week while we visited Utah.
We walked along the Jordan River Walkway.

One of the nights, last week, while in Utah, we called and talked to James and Jaden.
James had fun putting funny faces on Jaden.
Here's the cool kid in many different faces.

Go Iron Man!

Aw, he looks to good to be a devil.

Dolla Bills coming right at ya!

Oooooh, scary!

So cute! 😂

What a big head!

Go Mario, Jaden!

Look at that beard!!!

And, a happy moment seeing my sister enjoy time with family, including Grant.