Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Birthday 🎉 Joyanne!!!💗

Joyanne turned 18 in March.
Now she is an adult.
And she's so ready to move out and go to BYU.
But, she will have to wait a little longer until this Corona Virus passes.
She is going to do Spring semester online.
Joyanne received more glow in the dark stars to put in her room, some pots and pans, and a book called "The Talent Code".

For breakfast Joyanne requested Strawberry Shortcake Pancakes.

Doesn't this look scrumptious with the strawberry sauce on top?🍓♥️

For lunch she had an Asian Broccoli Salad that tasted as good as any restaurant.

Chocolate Peanut butter Cheesecake was Joyanne's splurge for her birthday.

Happy 18th Birthday, Joyanne.
♥️ We Love You!!! ♥️

1 comment:

  1. Joy, you are beautiful! I can't believe you have an 18 year old Nancy. Hope you guys are doing well!
