Monday, May 20, 2024

Yellowstone May 2024

This spontaneous guy decided on Friday, May 17th, that we should go to Yellowstone since we all had a free day.

The most exciting part of our trip was seeing a grizzly bear, which dad claimed from the beginning of our visit that we would see one.

We saw some beautiful waterfalls.




May is a good time to go see the waterfalls because the water is the highest.

Mom and Grant

We saw so many buffalo with the cool May weather.

We enjoyed seeing the baby buffalo as well.


Grandpa and Dad saw 2 elk just off the side of the road while they were driving.

Spring baby buffalo. "Bye Son (Bison)!"

A raging waterfall

Look at this Stud!!!

The trio bros!

Mammoth Hot Springs had lots of white rock.

James, Mom, Dad, and Jaden

There weren't too many elk around, so it was fun to see them with their velvet horns.

We picnicked for lunch at Mammoth Hot Springs, but the shops were expensive, especially the ice cream; $6 for one tiny scoop.

Mammoth Hot Springs

Amazing different rock formations at Mammoth.

Awww, these boys are awesome!

James looking at the waterfall in the distance.

When we saw the bear, the road was crammed with cars and people.

When Dad said we would see a bear at the entrance to Yellowstone, he claimed that a bear would cross the road in front of us. Mom said if a bear crossed the road in front of us, she would take Dad out to dinner and let him pay. 😂

Well, here's the bear crossing the road in front of us.

Mom got really close to a buffalo that was across a fence.

The Towers waterfall was quite amazing and could be seen from many viewpoints and angles.

Grandpa enjoyed going as far as he could to see the beautiful views.


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