Saturday, November 12, 2016

Winner! Winner!

This morning was quite exciting.
We went to Kent's Grocery store.
I was drawn to get one of 14 keys to see if the key started this 4-wheeler.
If it started, you got to keep the 4-wheeler.
The boys were so anxious and hoping I would win.
Noah even prayed for it in family prayer.
They showed us the key that would start the machine and asked if anyone would like to touch it.
James and Grant wanted to.
Grant tried to take the key out of the man's hand, but he only let them touch it.
They put the key in the bag with the other keys and shook it up.
After giving nearly everyone a key, Hiram asked if he could pick the key.
I consented, and Hiram grabbed a key.
The key looked too clean and nice to be the right key, so I told the kids it probably wasn't it.

The guy running the show said in the last 10 years they have done this, no one has ever gotten the key to turn on the machine the first time, and last year, it was the last key that started the 4-wheeler.
Then he asked who would like to go first.
I was anxious to get home and was sure I didn't have the right key, so when no one volunteered to go, I said I would.
I got on the 4-wheeler, put the key in, turned the key, and the engine started right up.
I was surprised and shocked!
I gave a scream of delight and did a happy dance.
Jade didn't believe me at first that I won when I texted him.
So, we are the grateful owners of a brand new 4-wheeler!

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