Sunday, June 3, 2018


Yesterday I took my brother, John, and his 2 daughters to ride Scorch, my nephew's horse I'm caring for.
John looked great as he galloped around the pasture.
The owner of the pasture said I'd be fine to ride their horse, Cowboy, bareback with a bridle if I wanted to.
So, I put a halter on Cowboy and climbed on.
He started to follow Scorch, but I stopped him and turned him the other way.
Then Cowboy started chasing the other horse, Silver, around the pasture.
With no saddle on and the horse galloping, I knew I was in for some trouble when Cowboy wouldn't slow down to me saying "Whoa".
My body was flying around the horse's back and my legs were banging against his side as I clutched to the halter lead rope and his mane.

I remembering my friend, and horse trainer, telling me that if I was going to fall, to fall off as gently as possible.
So, I attempted to slide off the right side of the horse, but tumbled hard to the ground, and my head banged against a rock.

The rest is a little hazy to remember, but I think . . .
Surprisingly I quickly got up and said I was fine.
I remember swaying a bit as I walked and pulled out my phone.
I looked at the screen to text and thought, "Ummmm, Daddy's name looks familiar to me. I'll text him and ask him to help me."

I walked over Cowboy and somehow managed to get off his halter, but then I started realizing I didn't remember where it went.
Then I started wondering who these horses were, and where was I?

At this point I started panicking, but thankfully Daddy showed up and took me to the hospital.
I wasn't sure what day or month it was.
As I looked at my husband, I barely made the connection that I was married to him.
I knew I had 6 kids and their names, but I couldn't remember anything about them.
I couldn't remember what I had done that morning, or even anything that had happened that week.
It really disturbed me that I couldn't remember anything.

I was then taken for a Catscan of my head.
Thankfully everything came back saying I just had some bruising and a concussion.
I was still confused and disoriented and just wanted to go home and go to bed.
They said I could do just that, and gave us some safety precautions to take for the next 5 days.

After I got home and my kids came in to talk to me, I started feeling a little better and my memory started returning.
I napped for a couple hours, and by the time I woke up, I felt more like myself.

My head still hurts, especially to lots of noise, or if I have to think to deeply, like trying to write all this down.
But my neck is what hurts the most.
It is so stiff and throbs with pain.
I've been icing it and putting "Deep Blue" on it, but it still hurts so much.
I know it will take a few days to recover, and I'm grateful I'm alive.

So I posted on social media that I fell off a horse riding bareback yesterday. Hit my head, went to the emergency room, have a concussion, but I'm STILL SMILING!
I'm grateful I'm alive and I'm grateful for the prayers and kindness I've received.

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