Tuesday, August 5, 2014

In-Grown Toenails

This packing and cleaning is getting old.
Nevertheless we must keep going onward.
A big THANK YOU to my friend, Kim, who watched James and Grant for me.
She always does an awesome job and the boys had so much fun at her home.
I was able to pack and clean Grant's room.
I scrubbed and washed every wall and baseboard in his room.
With things getting all packed up, these boys have had to become pretty creative in their play.
They have marbles on the lid and their goal is to not let the marbles fall off on their side.
They were laughing and having so much fun with such a simple game.
Noah, however, didn't have much fun afterwards.
His toe has been bothering him so I dug at it.
He tried to be brave and not jerk his foot away even though it hurt like no other.
I was able to pull a long piece of toenail out from under his skin and cut it off.
Boy, oh, boy was he in pain.
I don't like taking the kids to the doctor for something I can take care of myself.
So when it comes to in-grown toenails, I get to take care of them.
Joyanne, Jaden, and, now, Noah have each had them, and though it's painful, I get the nail out and doctor them up.
I used to get them all the time when I was younger, but now it's not so bad for me.
Joyanne and Jaden now take care of their nails better so they don't get them anymore.

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