Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines Day! I'm Back!

I'm back after 5 days of not being on here.
It was hard, but I know I've learned my lesson.
More on that later . . .

I made pink, heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast.
Some of them turned out all right, others, well, it was a good effort.
Daddy gave me a bag full of cookies 'n cream kisses.
Each kiss had a little positive affirmation for me to say 5 times daily.
I was so happy he did something for me.
I gave him 2 chocolate candy bars, a scented bath bar and a card.
I love this Prince Charming of mine.
He is such a good man!

Last Saturday, I had had it with my kids.
I didn't treat them with the respect they deserved and I regret it.
Because of my undesirable actions towards them, I was the one who went without privileges this week.
I had to go without electronics and treats for 5 days.
I couldn't blog, facebook, check e-mail or use the computer, Ipad or laptop.
I couldn't have desserts or ANY sweet treat or candy.
I craved my sweets so much the first 3 days.
I realized how much time I waste checking facebook and have made a goal to spend only 30 minutes a day checking e-mail, facebooking and reading others blogs.
I also decided that I don't need to eat as many sweets as I do and have decided to limit those to just desserts or treats others may offer.
So I learned a few good things by losing privileges.
But what I really learned, I learned through repenting.
I love my children and know they are precious in God's eyes.
They are His children and I will strive to treat them the way He wants me too.
Sometimes my calling as a mother is overwhelming at times, but "With God, all things are possible."

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